“What if you could regain control in only 5 weeks?”



Hi, I’m Tom Phillips and I help people every day, just like you, to manage stress and anxiety, including Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD) and General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), fears and phobias. The great news is that I help them to do this in only 5 weeks.

Your Place Of Healing, Mental Health And Well-Being

However long you’ve been suffering with you own personal challenges, what would it mean to you to be in a much better place in only 5 weeks?
If your computer or laptop wasn’t working and you took it to an I.T. specialist, you wouldn’t be impressed if they said that they needed to see your laptop every week for 6 or 12 months, would you? So why should your mind, which works just like a computer, be any different?
My aim is to get you to where you want to be in only 5 weeks. I want to make myself expendable. This is better for you emotionally, physically, and financially.


How I will help you

Clinical hypnotherapy is a way of helping your subconscious mind deal with life and challenges more effectively.

Stress and anxiety are your body and mind’s way of telling you that something in your life is not right.
I will help you to manage these using powerful hypnotic techniques, neuro linguistic programming and common sense.

We cannot change the past, but we can help to change the way that we look at past events and the way that we think and feel about past events so that they no longer trouble us in the present or the future.

As well as being a clinical hypnotherapist I have also run my own training and coaching business for 15 years. I will help you to launch your new business or scale your existing business as a therapist, life coach or counsellor

We are only born with 2 natural fears, loud noises and falling. All other fears and phobias are learned. The good news is that we can unlearn what we have learned.

Most people spend more time every year planning their holidays than they do planning their lives! You may feel like your life is a rut or maybe your life is great, and you want to take it to the next level. Whatever your situation, I can help you.


What my clients say


“Today I met with Tom Phillips. I visited him in regard to my crippling anxiety. I felt comfortable and very relaxed in Tom’s company. Tom gave me some really good coping techniques to practice and it really has helped me get through some tough times, for example I was at work and the anxiety was so bad, I practised a breathing  technique and it calmed me down, this one I found most useful. I can’t thank you enough Tom, not only do you do a great job, but you really do care about people and helping them. Keep up the good work and thank you for making my life that bit more enjoyable.”

Sharon – Stress and anxiety management


“I can honestly say that the time spent with Tom has helped me see clarity and the simplicity’s life should have and always were. His ability to reduce my stress and anxiety from horrific to normality are unbelievable. A true gent and confidant.”

Alex – Stress and anxiety management

Jo Griffiths

“Having decided to compete in a bodybuilding competition in 2018, I felt like I had total control over my diet and training, but I was really struggling mentally. I couldn’t be less of an extrovert performer if I tried, and I was absolutely terrified at the thought of stepping onto the stage. I had a session with Tom who talked me through some tools and techniques to overcome the anxiety, fears and negative thoughts and help me to develop self-confidence, belief and a winning mindset. The session went far beyond my expectations. I still can’t believe how immensely powerful it has been with huge changes being made in such a short time. I entered my first regional competition in August 2018, won the first-place trophy and gained an invite to the British Finals. At the finals, I took the ‘Masters Figure’ title and also the ‘Overall Figure’ title and was invited to compete at the World Finals in Miami. In November 2018, I travelled to Miami with a group of athletes from the British Natural Bodybuilding Federation to compete at the Drug Free Athletes Coalition World Finals where I took the Master’s Figure Title.

Thank you so much Tom for all of your help and support. Dream big!

Jo Griffiths - Current DFAC Masters Figure World Champion – Phobia management

Dr. Richard Bandler

“I have had the pleasure of personally mentoring Tom for the last year. Whilst many people come to me with personal challenges, Tom has been 100% focused on me helping him with his business. This is great news for everyone that works with Tom because HIS BUSINESS IS PEOPLE! I look forward to watching Tom’s continued growth and undoubted success within the world of NLP.”

Dr. Richard Bandler - Co creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Maria Challis

“I had the pleasure of working with Tom who kindly helped me with a family relationship matter, from start to finish he was respectful and listened intently allowing me to go over some very emotional elements without judgement which in turn ensured I was open with him, Tom all the while offered a very safe and calm environment, not pushing me to confront uneasy areas but gently proposing questions which meant I easily could see where I could affect a change, it was an enlightening experience. Tom techniques are life changing and I will always be thankful for his belief in me and his unwavering kindness. A true professional from start to finish, he has your back and will never let you fall.”

Maria Challis - Family relationships

Will Sampson

“Tom is an excellent teacher and practitioner. Over the couple of years that I’ve known him, I’ve learned and put into practice strategies that have helped me develop both personally and professionally.
Will 🌳”

Will Sampson - Personal & professional development

Rosemarie Hawkins

“Tom is fantastic! I was a bit nervous (and potentially also skeptical) of how our sessions would work. I was blown away by Tom’s approach. It was nothing like ‘talking therapies’ I had done in the past, and actually gave me tools and techniques to overcome issues that had troubled me for most of my life! I’m just a few short sessions I feel we made real progress. Thank you Tom!”

Rosemarie Hawkins - Clinical hypnotherapy


“Tom enabled me to be brave, consider new ideas, find my feet and confidence to be effective.”

Ruth – Life coaching

Elliot Hope

“Hi Tom,  Just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for all your help with my son Isaac.  His level of anxiety was off the scale at times when triggered.  The techniques you have taught him have proved very effective and he continues to use them.  Isaac is taking his GCSE’s this year and by using your advice, has a structured, stress free revision system and is approaching his exams in a calm and controlled fashion.  I will be recommending you to friends and colleagues who may be in need of your gentle and unique approach to mental health issues.”

Elliot Hope - Clinical Hypnotherapy


“I worked with Tom straight after an injury which was stopping me from training properly. As a result, my fitness level was declining, and I wasn’t overly happy with my appearance either. Having grown up in a family where feelings and problems are not really discussed, it’s always difficult for me to talk about this kind of things, especially with a man – I mean, who wants to moan about feeling out of shape with a guy they don’t really know! Tom was easy to chat to, he’s an excellent listener and a problem solver, and has so many tricks up his sleeve to help you find the solutions that work for you, and the best way of implementing it without really changing your lifestyle. It was brilliant working with him – plus, he’s so funny, and put me at easy throughout the whole process.”

Francesca - Self esteem

Pam Case

“Tom has helped me to manage my own thoughts and feelings and therefore to keep anxiety/binge eating at bay. I highly recommend working with Tom because he is fantastic at what he does, professional, diligent, and caring.  I must add that I’ve heard other clinical hypnotherapists, the timbre of whose voices I would find difficult to relax with.  If you’re looking for someone with a calm, soothing, voice – Tom’s got it!”

Pam Case - Anxiety

Frequently Asked Questions

Clinical hypnosis is a therapeutic approach that works with your subconscious mind. In relative terms your conscious mind is the size of a golf ball and your subconscious mind is the size of a beach ball. Your subconscious controls a lot of things that you are unaware of such as happiness, joy, confidence, and relaxation. Your subconscious also controls things like stress, anxiety, and phobias. Clinical hypnosis helps by tapping into your subconscious and removing unwanted thought processes and emotions or unwanted and unpleasant memories.

Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is a set of methods and technologies that works with your subconscious by understanding your thought patterns. Our thoughts determine our feelings, and our feelings determine our actions. If you are having unhelpful or unwanted thoughts, you will have unhelpful or unwanted feelings. These lead to unhelpful actions. When we understand our thought processes, we can change them to be more productive and helpful. This changes the feelings we associate with the thoughts and the actions we take as a result.

Anxiety is often described as a feeling of unease or being unsettled. Often, people suffering with anxiety cannot pinpoint a specific cause for their anxiety. They just know that something “doesn’t feel right.” This feeling can range from mild discomfort to much more severe and physical symptoms such as headaches, palpitations or a racing heart rate, stomach upsets, muscle and joint soreness, lack of energy and insomnia.

Stress can present itself with many of the symptoms that accompany anxiety. Stress usually has a more defined cause such as an exam like a driving exam, having to present in public (this is also the number 1. Phobia in the world), or a specific person such as a manager or colleague that you don’t get on with. We all experience stress regularly in our lives and often we cope well with it. For many people though, their coping mechanisms do not help and if the stress goes on long enough or is intense enough, this causes them real problems.

PTSD is a delayed response to stress. This can be related to a specific event such as being in a traffic accident or a series of events such as going through a series of company reorganisations in the place where you work. The reaction to such events surfaces long after the events themselves have passed. This can be weeks, months or even years. Your mind and body store the trauma of the event and life appears to continue until the stored trauma surfaces both emotionally and physically. This can happen in several ways such as feeling restless, losing sleep or your appetite, overeating, smoking, drinking, becoming withdrawn or unexpectedly aggressive.

GAD is like anxiety but individuals suffering from GAD have anxiety about several things or situations that most people don’t. This could be things like going out in public, what others think of them, being rejected, or being ridiculed. Symptoms of GAD are often like the symptoms of anxiety and stress.

A phobia is an exaggerated fear response to a specific stimulus such as public speaking, snakes, and spiders. Often it is just the thought of the thing that causes the phobia, that causes a phobic response. Someone with a phobia of spiders may only have to think about a spider to experience a phobic reaction. Reactions to phobias can be severe and include vomiting and fainting.

Probably not, although I have had clients fall asleep in sessions. This is a good sign as it means they feel comfortable and safe. During our sessions you will be in a much more relaxed state. I may want to ask you questions whilst you are in this state, so you won’t be asleep, just very, very relaxed.

No. One of the primary functions of your subconscious is to protect you, so it won’t allow you to do anything that may harm you emotionally or physically. Despite what you may have seen in movies or TV shows, you cannot be hypnotised against your will.

Yes. I prefer to see people in person and can work over Zoom, Teams etc. if required.

It depends on the age of the child and what is happening for them. I have 2 excellent colleagues who specialise in working with children. If I think it’s appropriate, I will refer you to them.

Yes, but you really must want to lose weight or stop smoking before I will work with you. Many people see clinical hypnosis as a magic wand that can be waved, and they’ll stop smoking or lose weight as a result. This doesn’t work in the long term. You must be 100% committed before I will work with you in these areas.

No. We can provide invoices if you want to claim on your insurance.